Sunday, February 20, 2011

IVolunteerWithYou-putting your dreams into action

Every person on the Earth desire to do something for others or help others which will really give him/her the true meaning of life. This could be helping the poor by giving them the minimum needs like food,shelter or eliminating child labour and giving them an opportunity to go to schools, participating in several awareness programmes like climate change,saving trees,animals etc and giving support for several activities which will develop India. The list continues and the best part is that the list is yours.

Coming to the point ,'IVolunteerWithYou-putting your dreams into action' is about volunteering for an activity ,together with like minded people, for your own choice of volunteering, this justifies putting 'your' dreams into action. When we say 'dreams', they are not goals but your thoughts,which you desire to do, but could not do because of your work life or lacking of other's help or any other obstacles. So with 'IVolunteerWithYou', you can join with others, who would have similar frequency and thoughts , to action your dreams by then to get true meaning of life.